Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Global Warming Is Still An Issue, Sort of : Global Warming Update Part II & III
Global Warming Is Still An Issue, Sort of : Global Warming Update Part II & III
Global Warming Update Part II & III
Lord Christopher Monckton: Nwo Endgame Agenda Hidden within Treaty at Cancun UN Climate Summit 1/2
TheAlexJonesChannel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8QrH3-xoyI&feature=player_embedded
Lord Christopher Monckton: Nwo Endgame Agenda Hidden within Treaty at Cancun UN Climate Summit 2/2
TheAlexJonesChannel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opGzdaYDxso&feature=related
Lord Monckton's website:
Cancun climate change summit: scientists call for rationing in developed world
Global warming is now such a serious threat to mankind that climate change experts are calling for Second World War-style rationing in rich countries to bring down carbon emissions.
Second World War Rationing: Cancun climate change summit: scientists call for rationing in developed world
'The Second World War and the concept of rationing is something we need to seriously consider if we are to address the scale of the problem we face' Photo: GETTY
By Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent 7:30AM GMT 29 Nov 2010 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/copenhagen-climate-change-confe/8165769/Cancun-climate-change-summit-scientists-call-for-rationing-in-developed-world.html
Global Warming
Subhankar Banerjee/Associated Press
Updated: Oct. 6, 2010 http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/science/topics/globalwarming/index.html
Global Climate Change Talks Begin in Cancún
Published: November 29, 2010 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/30/science/earth/30cancun.html?_r=1&ref=globalwarming
Climategate is Still the Issue
corbettreport http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-uzNBtdYOo
The Meaning of "Austerity"
corbettreport http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUmQbf1AyA8
ClimateGate - More Lies from the Globalist Elite
helios813 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuvPs-QPtKA&NR=1
helios813 | December 06, 2009 | 5 likes, 0 dislikes
The Climatic Research Unit e-mail hacking incident, also known as Climategate,began in November 2009 with the hacking of a server used by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich, England, in the United Kingdom. An unknown individual or individuals stole and anonymously disseminated over a thousand e-mails and other documents made over the course of 13 years. The university confirmed that a criminal breach of their security systems took place, and expressed concern "that personal information about individuals may have been compromised."Details of the incident have been reported to the police, who are investigating. Professor Phil Jones, Director of the CRU, confirmed that the leaked e-mails that had provoked heated debate appeared to be genuine.
Critics have asserted that the e-mails show collusion by climate scientists to withhold scientific information. Other prominent climate scientists, such as Richard Somerville, have called the incident a smear campaign. Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research stated that the sceptics have selectively quoted words and phrases out of context in an attempt to sabotage the Copenhagen global climate summit in December.
On November 24, the University of East Anglia announced it would conduct an independent review of the matter, and, one week later, announced that Phil Jones would stand aside temporarily as director of the Unit during the investigation.
News & Politics
Hacked E-Mail Is New Fodder for Climate Dispute
Published: November 20, 2009 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/21/science/earth/21climate.html
Dr. Mann, a professor at Pennsylvania State University, confirmed in an interview that the e-mail message was real. He said the choice of words by his colleague was poor but noted that scientists often used the word “trick” to refer to a good way to solve a problem, “and not something secret.”
At issue were sets of data, both employed in two studies. One data set showed long-term temperature effects on tree rings; the other, thermometer readings for the past 100 years.
Through the last century, tree rings and thermometers show a consistent rise in temperature until 1960, when some tree rings, for unknown reasons, no longer show that rise, while the thermometers continue to do so until the present.
Dr. Mann explained that the reliability of the tree-ring data was called into question, so they were no longer used to track temperature fluctuations. But he said dropping the use of the tree rings was never something that was hidden, and had been in the scientific literature for more than a decade. “It sounds incriminating, but when you look at what you’re talking about, there’s nothing there,” Dr. Mann said.
In addition, other independent but indirect measurements of temperature fluctuations in the studies broadly agreed with the thermometer data showing rising temperatures.
Dr. Jones, writing in an e-mail message, declined to be interviewed.
Part III
The Green Agenda
Radio Liberty Pastor Billy Crone
Pastor Billy Crone
Bio/Testimony - Pastor Billy Crone is the Senior Pastor of Niagara Frontier Bible Church as seen here pictured with his lovely wife Brandie and two children, Rebecca and Billy. He is also a gifted author, counselor, conference speaker and teacher and has spoken to thousands of people across the United States as well as internationally through the teaching ministry of Get A Life! International. Click on the audio link below to hear a recent television interview featuring the true life testimony of the earthly rags to heavenly riches story of how Pastor Billy Crone, by the grace of God, turned from being a former drug addict, heavy metal head banger, sexually immoral, male chauvinist pig, to Preacher of the Gospel.
November 26, 2010 (hour 2)
Bringing you the Story behind the Story, the News behind the News. Hoping to convince you that reality is usually scoffed at and illusion is usually king, but in the battle for the survival of Western civilization it will be reality and not illusion or delusion that will determine what the future will bring.
Radio Liberty is hosted by Dr. Stanley Monteith.
10:10 "No Pressure"
harrisongantz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTbvJ-y9hDA&feature=related
The following is the manner in which the Global Warming skeptic group is portrayed as they attempt to demonstrate appropriate treatment (through morbid humor death depiction) for those who have spoken out as global warming skeptics both in the past and on an ongoing basis.
Fox Coverage of 10:10 Global Warming Shock Video (Warning - Graphic)
JimInhofePressOffice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqTd0g48ZY4
ofreshartist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG5B7x_uDlE
Major problem for evolution: T-Rex Blood Cells and Soft Tissue found
Repenttrust http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onVj4BmfgEs&feature=related
T-rex bone blood not 70mil years old
ninnzbinnz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97jYngUaepA&feature=related
Kent Hovind, Jared, T. Rex Soft Tissue, 06/05, Part 1.
freethoughtEFNet 95 videos
Kent Hovind, Jared, T. Rex Soft Tissue, 06/05, Part 2.
freethoughtEFNet 95 videos
man and dinosaurs alive together!
doulosChristou http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyY9Fuv3A9w&feature=related
Proof Dinosaurs Lived With Man
truthmakesfree http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmC4dwCcsUs&feature=related
Today, unenlightenment is worn proudly, like a badge.
By Janice Kennedy, Postmedia News November 25, 2010 Comments (16)
Read more: http://www.canada.com/life/Today+unenlightenment+worn+proudly+like+badge/3883806/story.html#ixzz16oLwVekt
Earth 6000 years old http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&q=Earth+6000+years+old&aq=f&aqi=g1g-c3g1g-m4&aql=f&oq=Earth+6000+years+old&gs_rfai=&psj=1&fp=3f2d83e828bdfbc
Global Warming Is Still An Issue, Sort of
by Jeff Dubel on Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at 5:22am (updated 12-01-10)
Climategate is Still the Issue corbettreport 287 videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-uzNBtdYOo&feature=player_embedded -excerpt- Headlines November 22, 20102006 GOP Report on Global Warming Was Partly Plagiarized USA Today has revealed an influential 2006 Republican congressional report that raised questions about the validity of global warming research was partly based on material copied from textbooks, Wikipedia, and the writings of one of the scientists criticized in the report. One analyst determined that 35 of the report’s 91 pages were plagiarized, and often injected with errors, bias and changes of meaning. The report was compiled at the request of global warming denier Republican Congressman Joe Barton of Texas, then the head of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. With the Republicans set to take control of the House, Barton appears in line to become chair of the committee again. http://www.democracynow.org/2010/11/23/headlines#7
Experts claim 2006 climate report plagiarized Updated 1d 7h ago | Comment | Recommend E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions | Subscribe to stories like this In this 2007 photo, an iceberg melts in Kulusuk Bay, Greenland. Amid ongoing concern over global warming and the validity of climate research, experts now say an influential 2006 report contained material that likely was plagiarized. Enlarge image Enlarge By John Mcconnico, APIn this 2007 photo, an iceberg melts in Kulusuk Bay, Greenland. Amid ongoing concern over global warming and the validity of climate research, experts now say an influential 2006 report contained material that likely was plagiarized. By Dan Vergano, USA TODAY http://www.usatoday.com/weather/climate/globalwarming/2010-11-21-climate-report-questioned_N.htmclimategate.tv - arrest the crimatologists - http://climategate.tv/YouTube – Richard Lindzen on the State of Climate Science.(November 22ND 2010) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu9fprxnkEI&feature=player_embedded Canadian Senate kills climate change bill Nov 20th YouTube – Senate kills climate change bill. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R7pEgkMFMc&feature=player_embedded Lord Stern Threatens Trade Wars Over Carbon Emissions
Nov 20th
Posted by admin in News
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via WattsUpWithThat.com
Climate Wars: Nick Stern Threatens U.S. With Trade Boycott
The Times, 19 November 2010
Ben Webster
The United States will be banned from selling goods to many countries if it continues to shirk its promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to the world’s leading climate change economist. Lord Stern Threatens Trade Wars Over Carbon Emissions
Nov 20th
Posted by admin in News
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via WattsUpWithThat.com
Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emailscorbettreport http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ydo2Mwnwpac&feature=related
Climate Wars: Nick Stern Threatens U.S. With Trade Boycott
The Times, 19 November 2010
Ben Webster
The United States will be banned from selling goods to many countries if it continues to shirk its promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to the world’s leading climate change economist. Lord Stern Threatens Trade Wars Over Carbon EmissionsNov 20th Posted by admin in News No comments via WattsUpWithThat.com http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/11/19/lord-stern-deny-the-whole-usa-trade-if-you-dont-play-the-agw-game/ Climate Wars: Nick Stern Threatens U.S. With Trade Boycott The Times, 19 November 2010 Ben Webster The United States will be banned from selling goods to many countries if it continues to shirk its promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to the world’s leading climate change economist. http://www.timesplus.co.uk/tto/news/?login=false&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thetimes.co.uk%2Ftto%2Fenvironment%2Farticle2813617.ece
Schwarzenegger Reflects on Year of Climategate: “A Tremendous Setback”
Nov 20th
Posted by admin in News
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via TomNelson.blogspot.com http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2010/11/schwarzenegger-year-we-had-tremendous.html
November 20, 2010There are competing interests in this debate. The "science" of global warming has now well been debunked, outed, and disprove-in in the real world. However, the debaters in the United Nations and in major academic universities and colleges both domestically in United States and around the world have instructed students that the impact of humans have increased the output of Carbon Dioxide on the planet and this has and will continue to cause the planet damage that may well be unrecoverable.Why do I believe Global Warming is not caused by man and may in fact not be reality at this time regardless of the current conditions occuring on the planet? Because of the following group of data sets and documentary information:
Michael Coffman, PhD
Global Warming or Global Governance?
Global Warming: Emerging Science & Understanding
British Broadcasting Channel Documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle
Environmentalists 'exaggerated' threat to tropical rainforests from global warmingBy David Derbyshire Last updated at 8:26 AM on 12th November 2010 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1328853/Environmentalists-exaggerated-threat-tropical-rainforests-global-warming.html
* Comments (77) * Add to My StoriesRead more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1328853/Environmentalists-exaggerated-threat-tropical-rainforests-global-warming.html
#ixzz16Basdsn8 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1328853/Environmentalists-exaggerated-threat-tropical-rainforests-global-warming.html
Michael Coffman, PhD
Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 1/8WakeUpCall4Wor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaNcQ4Wj7bQ Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 2/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpmBDo99Xi4&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 3/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9Ur0ka9rn4&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 4/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ-_PoBiUb8&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 5/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS0SWVIRaZ8&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 6/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS0SWVIRaZ8&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 7/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNZVfP95wyQ&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 8/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4glMEpChc0&feature=related
WakeUpCall4Wor Global Warming: Emerging Science & Understanding
Global Warming: Emerging Science & Understanding Search results for
* global * warming * emerging * science * and * understanding
About 101 results http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=global+warming+emerging+science+and+understanding&aq=f Translate results into my language
[Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 1 - Dr. Coffman] 9:59 Add to Added to queueGlobal Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 1 - Dr. Coffman
Eighty percent of the American population now believe that man is responsible for global warming. Emerging science, however, is providing ...
by sweetcjones | 1 year ago | 4,229 views http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFxxdH67kwY
[Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 2 - Dr. Coffman] 6:23 Add to Added to queueGlobal Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 2 - Dr. Coffman
Eighty percent of the American population now believe that man is responsible for global warming. Emerging science, however, is providing ...
by sweetcjones | 1 year ago | 1,578 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI0k2fk0toA
[Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 3 - Dr. Coffman] 9:08 Add to Added to queueGlobal Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 3 - Dr. Coffman
Eighty percent of the American population now believe that man is responsible for global warming. Emerging science, however, is providing ...
by sweetcjones | 1 year ago | 1,431 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iro31cSlVTs
[Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 4 - Dr. Coffman] 8:33 Add to Added to queueGlobal Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 4 - Dr. Coffman
Eighty percent of the American population now believe that man is responsible for global warming. Emerging science, however, is providing ...
by sweetcjones | 1 year ago | 1,127 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t_pX9VLBKQ
[Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 5 - Dr. Coffman] 9:30 Add to Added to queueGlobal Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 5 - Dr. Coffman
Eighty percent of the American population now believe that man is responsible for global warming. Emerging science, however, is providing ...
by sweetcjones | 1 year ago | 1,017 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i99QYtsnjCA
[Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 6 - Dr. Coffman] 9:53 Add to Added to queueGlobal Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 6 - Dr. Coffman
Eighty percent of the American population now believe that man is responsible for global warming. Emerging science, however, is providing ...
by sweetcjones | 1 year ago | 924 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbJotLl7twM
British Broadcasting Channel Documentary
The Great Global Warming SwindleEnvironmentalists 'exaggerated' threat to tropical rainforests from global warmingBy David DerbyshireLast updated at 8:26 AM on 12th November 2010 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1328853/Environmentalists-exaggerated-threat-tropical-rainforests-global-warming.html
* Comments (77) * Add to My StoriesRead more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1328853/Environmentalists-exaggerated-threat-tropical-rainforests-global-warming.html#ixzz16Basdsn8
Michael Coffman, PhD: Rescuing A Broken America - Alex Jones Tv 1/3 http://blip.tv/file/3971588/ Michael Coffman, PhD: Rescuing A Broken America - Alex Jones Tv 2/3 http://blip.tv/file/3971603 Michael Coffman, PhD: Rescuing A Broken America - Alex Jones Tv 3/3 http://blip.tv/file/3971616
Episode #110a - ClimategateDate/Duration: 2009/11/29 / 1:00:01Description: Just as the oligarchs are moving to consolidate their power in a new global governmental scheme based on the man-made climate change scare, their fraud has been exposed. The source code doesn't lie, unlike the scientists who have perverted the good name of science in the pursuit of their political goals. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we ask you to help us in Operation: Arrest the Crimatologists. [Download MP3 http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode110a_climategate.mp3 - Documentation http://www.corbettreport.com/index.php?i=Documentation&ii=246]
Web Mirror Copy of Documentation page click link for direct further citation links on copied page: http://www.corbettreport.com/index.php?i=Documentation&ii=246 Documentation - A Message to the Environmental Movement...in Spanish!Time Reference: 02:50Description: MENSAJE PARA EL MOVIMIENTO MEDIOAMBIENTALLink To: YouTubeCache:
Documentation - A Message to the Environmental Movement - Darth Vader style!Time Reference: 02:56Description: Why? Why not!Link To: YouTubeCache:
Documentation - WTO Director General: Global Governance Based on the EU ModelTime Reference: 04:39Description: Real News #1Link To: OldThinkerNews.comCache:
Documentation - MEP Reprimanded For Exposing EU DictatorshipTime Reference: 06:22Description: Real News #2Link To: PrisonPlanet.comCache:
Documentation - New World Next Week 2009/11/29Time Reference: 08:00Description: Real News #3Link To: YouTubeCache:
Documentation - RCMP watchdog won't be reappointedTime Reference: 09:31Description: Real News #4Link To: CBCCache:
Documentation - Respected scientist says aliens are among usTime Reference: 10:21Description: Real News #5Link To: The StarCache:
Documentation - New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as first year of global governanceTime Reference: 12:18Description: The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.Link To: OldThinkerNews.comCache:
Documentation - UK and France propose climate fund for poorTime Reference: 13:35Description: What? You don't think it's actually going to end up going to the poor?Link To: BBC NewsCache:
Documentation - Global Warning: Leaked “Climate Fraud” emails under probeTime Reference: 15:08Description: A fair (mostly) piece on the Climategate scandal from Russia Today.Link To: RussiaToday.comCache:
Documentation - CLIMATE BOMBSHELL: Hacker leaks thousands of emails showing conspiracy to "hide" the real data on manmade climate changeTime Reference: 19:45Description: My first article on the subject as the story was breaking.Link To: The Corbett ReportCache:
Documentation - The warming conspiracy’s most damning emailsTime Reference: 22:55Description: Highlights some of the more interesting parts of the leaked CRU correspondence.Link To: Herald SunCache:
Documentation - climategate: hacked emails expose climate control schemesTime Reference: 23:06Description: Data dump on the Climategate affair.Link To: MediaMonarchyCache:
Documentation - ClimateGate for DummiesTime Reference: 23:34Description: Master article with links to dozens of other articles and videos on the subject.Link To: Infowars.comCache:
Documentation - CRU Emails may be open to interpretation, but commented code by the programmer tells the real storyTime Reference: 24:13Description: The code spills the beans.Link To: WattsUpWithThatCache:
Documentation - Climategate: The BackstoryTime Reference: 26:13Description: Prescient video on the CRU released by The Corbett Report just weeks before the Climategate story broke.Link To: YouTubeCache:
Documentation - Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emailsTime Reference: 27:49Description: Interview with historical climatologist about the climategate scandal.Link To: YouTubeCache:
Documentation - Ed Begley, Jr. Loses Control Over ClimateGateTime Reference: 35:37Description: Begley blows a gasket and becomes a broken record: peer-review, peer-review, peer-review.Link To: YouTubeCache:
Documentation - Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern scienceTime Reference: 39:22Description: That should read failed to report.Link To: James DelingpoleCache:
Documentation - BBC Climate Correspondent Was Forwarded CRU Emails Five Weeks Before They Were Made PublicTime Reference: 43:41Description: A BBC Weather presenter who was discussed by scientists in the “climategate” emails says he was forwarded the material more than five weeks before it was made public on the internet.Link To: Infowars.comCache:
Documentation - NY Times reporter whitewashes Climategate story he is part ofTime Reference: 45:12Description: What will the ombudsman say?Link To: GreenHellBlogCache:
Documentation - Pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go awayTime Reference: 47:33Description: I actually agree with Mobiot on that headline's injunction.Link To: GuardianCache:
Documentation - Climategate update: Report filed with UK Information CommissionerTime Reference: 57:19Description: Lord Monckton of Brenchley joins The Corbett Report once again to discuss the report that he has filed jointly with Professor Fred Singer against the scientists connected to the ongoing climategate scandal. We discuss the basis of the report, what isLink To: YouTubeCache:
NEW:Leave us a voicemail message at (512)553-0297.
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement http://blip.tv/file/1579746/
America's Choice - Liberty or Sustainable Development (1 of 5) - Michael Shaw http://blip.tv/file/3630954/
America's Choice - Liberty or Sustainable Development (2 of 5) - Michael Coffman http://blip.tv/file/3642520/
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Thursday, November 25, 2010
Money Matters of Today
China, Russia quit dollar By Su Qiang and Li Xiaokun (China Daily) Updated: 2010-11-24 08:02 http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2010-11/24/content_11599087.htm
China, Russia quit dollar
11-24-2010 • Su Qiang and Li Xiaokun, ChinaDaily.com
St. Petersburg, Russia - China and Russia have decided to renounce the US dollar and resort to using their own currencies for bilateral trade, Premier Wen Jiabao and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin announced late on Tuesday. Read Full Story
Reported by Hugo Tellez http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/079171-2010-11-24-china-russia-quit-dollar.htm?From=News
The Day the Dollar Died InflationUS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N8gJSMoOJc by Ernest Hancock
American Corporations Have Their Best Quarter Ever
11-24-2010 • Slate.com http://slatest.slate.com/id/2275932/?wpisrc=newsletter
Economy - Economics USA
Edited by Powell Gammill
Money, materials, or labor produced or purchased within the U.S., and the regulation and restraints by the state. We cover economics as well as free enterprise concepts and economists such as John Maynard Keynes, Milton Friedman, Ludwig Von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Friedrich von Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Harry Browne, James Cook,
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Global Warming Is Still An Issue, Sort Of
Climategate is Still the Issue
corbettreport 287 videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-uzNBtdYOo&feature=player_embedded
-excerpt- Headlines November 22, 2010
2006 GOP Report on Global Warming Was Partly Plagiarized USA Today has revealed an influential 2006 Republican congressional report that raised questions about the validity of global warming research was partly based on material copied from textbooks, Wikipedia, and the writings of one of the scientists criticized in the report. One analyst determined that 35 of the report’s 91 pages were plagiarized, and often injected with errors, bias and changes of meaning. The report was compiled at the request of global warming denier Republican Congressman Joe Barton of Texas, then the head of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. With the Republicans set to take control of the House, Barton appears in line to become chair of the committee again. http://www.democracynow.org/2010/11/23/headlines#7
Experts claim 2006 climate report plagiarized
Michael Coffman, PhD
Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 1/8
WakeUpCall4Wor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaNcQ4Wj7bQ Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 2/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpmBDo99Xi4&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 3/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9Ur0ka9rn4&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 4/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ-_PoBiUb8&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 5/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS0SWVIRaZ8&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 6/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS0SWVIRaZ8&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 7/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNZVfP95wyQ&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 8/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4glMEpChc0&feature=related
Global Warming: Emerging Science & Understanding
British Broadcasting Channel Documentary
The Great Global Warming Swindle
Environmentalists 'exaggerated' threat to tropical rainforests from global warming
By David Derbyshire
Last updated at 8:26 AM on 12th November 2010 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1328853/Environmentalists-exaggerated-threat-tropical-rainforests-global-warming.html
* Comments (77)
* Add to My Stories
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1328853/Environmentalists-exaggerated-threat-tropical-rainforests-global-warming.html#ixzz16Basdsn8
Michael Coffman, PhD: Rescuing A Broken America - Alex Jones Tv 1/3 http://blip.tv/file/3971588/ Michael Coffman, PhD: Rescuing A Broken America - Alex Jones Tv 2/3 http://blip.tv/file/3971603 Michael Coffman, PhD: Rescuing A Broken America - Alex Jones Tv 3/3 http://blip.tv/file/3971616
Updated 1d 7h ago | Comment | Recommend E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions | Subscribe to stories like this
In this 2007 photo, an iceberg melts in Kulusuk Bay, Greenland. Amid ongoing concern over global warming and the validity of climate research, experts now say an influential 2006 report contained material that likely was plagiarized.
Enlarge image Enlarge By John Mcconnico, AP
In this 2007 photo, an iceberg melts in Kulusuk Bay, Greenland. Amid ongoing concern over global warming and the validity of climate research, experts now say an influential 2006 report contained material that likely was plagiarized.
By Dan Vergano, USA TODAY
climategate.tv - arrest the crimatologists - http://climategate.tv/
YouTube – Richard Lindzen on the State of Climate Science.(November 22ND 2010) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu9fprxnkEI&feature=player_embedded
Canadian Senate kills climate change bill Nov 20th YouTube – Senate kills climate change bill. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R7pEgkMFMc&feature=player_embedded
Lord Stern Threatens Trade Wars Over Carbon Emissions
Nov 20th
Posted by admin in News
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via WattsUpWithThat.com
Climate Wars: Nick Stern Threatens U.S. With Trade Boycott
The Times, 19 November 2010
Ben Webster
The United States will be banned from selling goods to many countries if it continues to shirk its promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to the world’s leading climate change economist. Lord Stern Threatens Trade Wars Over Carbon Emissions
Nov 20th
Posted by admin in News
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via WattsUpWithThat.com
Climate Wars: Nick Stern Threatens U.S. With Trade Boycott
The Times, 19 November 2010
Ben Webster
The United States will be banned from selling goods to many countries if it continues to shirk its promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to the world’s leading climate change economist. Lord Stern Threatens Trade Wars Over Carbon Emissions
Nov 20th Posted by admin in News No comments via WattsUpWithThat.com http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/11/19/lord-stern-deny-the-whole-usa-trade-if-you-dont-play-the-agw-game/ Climate Wars: Nick Stern Threatens U.S. With Trade Boycott The Times, 19 November 2010 Ben Webster The United States will be banned from selling goods to many countries if it continues to shirk its promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to the world’s leading climate change economist. http://www.timesplus.co.uk/tto/news/?login=false&url=http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/environment/article2813617.ece
Schwarzenegger Reflects on Year of Climategate: “A Tremendous Setback”
Nov 20th
Posted by admin in News
No comments
via TomNelson.blogspot.com
November 20, 2010
There are competing interests in this debate. The "science" of global warming has now well been debunked, outed, and disprovein in the real world. However, the debaters in the United Nations and in major academic universities and colleges both domestically in United States and around the world have instructed students that the impact of humans have increased the output of Carbon Dioxide on the planet and this has and will continue to cause the planet damage that may well be unrecoverable.
Why do I believe Global Warming is not caused by man and may in fact not be reality at this time regardless of the current conditions occuring on the planet? Because of the following group of data sets and documentary information:
Michael Coffman, PhD
Global Warming or Global Governance?
Global Warming: Emerging Science & Understanding
British Broadcasting Channel Documentary
The Great Global Warming Swindle
Environmentalists 'exaggerated' threat to tropical rainforests from global warming
By David Derbyshire
Last updated at 8:26 AM on 12th November 2010 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1328853/Environmentalists-exaggerated-threat-tropical-rainforests-global-warming.html
* Comments (77)
* Add to My Stories
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1328853/Environmentalists-exaggerated-threat-tropical-rainforests-global-warming.html#ixzz16Basdsn8
Climategate is Still the Issue
corbettreport 287 videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-uzNBtdYOo&feature=player_embedded
-excerpt- Headlines November 22, 2010
2006 GOP Report on Global Warming Was Partly Plagiarized USA Today has revealed an influential 2006 Republican congressional report that raised questions about the validity of global warming research was partly based on material copied from textbooks, Wikipedia, and the writings of one of the scientists criticized in the report. One analyst determined that 35 of the report’s 91 pages were plagiarized, and often injected with errors, bias and changes of meaning. The report was compiled at the request of global warming denier Republican Congressman Joe Barton of Texas, then the head of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. With the Republicans set to take control of the House, Barton appears in line to become chair of the committee again. http://www.democracynow.org/2010/11/23/headlines#7
Experts claim 2006 climate report plagiarized
Updated 1d 7h ago | Comment | Recommend E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions | Subscribe to stories like this
In this 2007 photo, an iceberg melts in Kulusuk Bay, Greenland. Amid ongoing concern over global warming and the validity of climate research, experts now say an influential 2006 report contained material that likely was plagiarized.
Enlarge image Enlarge By John Mcconnico, AP
In this 2007 photo, an iceberg melts in Kulusuk Bay, Greenland. Amid ongoing concern over global warming and the validity of climate research, experts now say an influential 2006 report contained material that likely was plagiarized.
By Dan Vergano, USA TODAY
climategate.tv - arrest the crimatologists - http://climategate.tv/
YouTube – Richard Lindzen on the State of Climate Science.(November 22ND 2010) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu9fprxnkEI&feature=player_embedded
Canadian Senate kills climate change bill Nov 20th YouTube – Senate kills climate change bill. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R7pEgkMFMc&feature=player_embedded
Lord Stern Threatens Trade Wars Over Carbon Emissions
Nov 20th
Posted by admin in News
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via WattsUpWithThat.com
Climate Wars: Nick Stern Threatens U.S. With Trade Boycott
The Times, 19 November 2010
Ben Webster
The United States will be banned from selling goods to many countries if it continues to shirk its promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to the world’s leading climate change economist. Lord Stern Threatens Trade Wars Over Carbon Emissions
Nov 20th
Posted by admin in News
No comments
via WattsUpWithThat.com
Climate Wars: Nick Stern Threatens U.S. With Trade Boycott
The Times, 19 November 2010
Ben Webster
The United States will be banned from selling goods to many countries if it continues to shirk its promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to the world’s leading climate change economist. Lord Stern Threatens Trade Wars Over Carbon Emissions
Nov 20th Posted by admin in News No comments via WattsUpWithThat.com http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/11/19/lord-stern-deny-the-whole-usa-trade-if-you-dont-play-the-agw-game/ Climate Wars: Nick Stern Threatens U.S. With Trade Boycott The Times, 19 November 2010 Ben Webster The United States will be banned from selling goods to many countries if it continues to shirk its promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to the world’s leading climate change economist. http://www.timesplus.co.uk/tto/news/?login=false&url=http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/environment/article2813617.ece
Schwarzenegger Reflects on Year of Climategate: “A Tremendous Setback”
Nov 20th
Posted by admin in News
No comments
via TomNelson.blogspot.com
November 20, 2010
There are competing interests in this debate. The "science" of global warming has now well been debunked, outed, and disprovein in the real world. However, the debaters in the United Nations and in major academic universities and colleges both domestically in United States and around the world have instructed students that the impact of humans have increased the output of Carbon Dioxide on the planet and this has and will continue to cause the planet damage that may well be unrecoverable.
Why do I believe Global Warming is not caused by man and may in fact not be reality at this time regardless of the current conditions occuring on the planet? Because of the following group of data sets and documentary information:
Michael Coffman, PhD
Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 1/8
WakeUpCall4Wor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaNcQ4Wj7bQ Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 2/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpmBDo99Xi4&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 3/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9Ur0ka9rn4&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 4/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ-_PoBiUb8&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 5/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS0SWVIRaZ8&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 6/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS0SWVIRaZ8&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 7/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNZVfP95wyQ&feature=related Global Warming or Global Governance? Global Warming or Global Governance 8/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4glMEpChc0&feature=related
Global Warming: Emerging Science & Understanding Search results for
* global
* warming
* emerging
* science
* and
* understanding
About 101 results http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=global+warming+emerging+science+and+understanding&aq=f
Translate results into my language
[Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 1 - Dr. Coffman] 9:59 Add to Added to queue
Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 1 - Dr. Coffman
Eighty percent of the American population now believe that man is responsible for global warming. Emerging science, however, is providing ...
by sweetcjones | 1 year ago | 4,229 views
[Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 2 - Dr. Coffman] 6:23 Add to Added to queue
Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 2 - Dr. Coffman
Eighty percent of the American population now believe that man is responsible for global warming. Emerging science, however, is providing ...
by sweetcjones | 1 year ago | 1,578 views
[Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 3 - Dr. Coffman] 9:08 Add to Added to queue
Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 3 - Dr. Coffman
Eighty percent of the American population now believe that man is responsible for global warming. Emerging science, however, is providing ...
by sweetcjones | 1 year ago | 1,431 views
[Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 4 - Dr. Coffman] 8:33 Add to Added to queue
Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 4 - Dr. Coffman
Eighty percent of the American population now believe that man is responsible for global warming. Emerging science, however, is providing ...
by sweetcjones | 1 year ago | 1,127 views
[Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 5 - Dr. Coffman] 9:30 Add to Added to queue
Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 5 - Dr. Coffman
Eighty percent of the American population now believe that man is responsible for global warming. Emerging science, however, is providing ...
by sweetcjones | 1 year ago | 1,017 views
[Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 6 - Dr. Coffman] 9:53 Add to Added to queue
Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding Part 6 - Dr. Coffman
Eighty percent of the American population now believe that man is responsible for global warming. Emerging science, however, is providing ...
by sweetcjones | 1 year ago | 924 views
British Broadcasting Channel Documentary
The Great Global Warming Swindle -Swindle The Great Global Warming Swindle- http://blip.tv/file/467726/
Environmentalists 'exaggerated' threat to tropical rainforests from global warming
By David Derbyshire
Last updated at 8:26 AM on 12th November 2010 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1328853/Environmentalists-exaggerated-threat-tropical-rainforests-global-warming.html
* Comments (77)
* Add to My Stories
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1328853/Environmentalists-exaggerated-threat-tropical-rainforests-global-warming.html#ixzz16Basdsn8
Michael Coffman, PhD: Rescuing A Broken America - Alex Jones Tv 1/3 http://blip.tv/file/3971588/ Michael Coffman, PhD: Rescuing A Broken America - Alex Jones Tv 2/3 http://blip.tv/file/3971603 Michael Coffman, PhD: Rescuing A Broken America - Alex Jones Tv 3/3 http://blip.tv/file/3971616
Episode #110a - Climategate
Date/Duration: 2009/11/29 / 1:00:01
Description: Just as the oligarchs are moving to consolidate their power in a new global governmental scheme based on the manmade climate change scare, their fraud has been exposed. The source code doesn't lie, unlike the scientists who have perverted the good name of science in the pursuit of their political goals. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we ask you to help us in Operation: Arrest the Crimatologists.
[Download MP3 http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode110a_climategate.mp3 - Documentation http://www.corbettreport.com/index.php?i=Documentation&ii=246]
Web Mirror Copy of Documentation page click link for direct further citation links on copied page: http://www.corbettreport.com/index.php?i=Documentation&ii=246
Documentation - A Message to the Environmental Movement...in Spanish!
Time Reference: 02:50
Link To: YouTube
Documentation - A Message to the Environmental Movement - Darth Vader style!
Time Reference: 02:56
Description: Why? Why not!
Link To: YouTube
Documentation - WTO Director General: Global Governance Based on the EU Model
Time Reference: 04:39
Description: Real News #1
Link To: OldThinkerNews.com
Documentation - MEP Reprimanded For Exposing EU Dictatorship
Time Reference: 06:22
Description: Real News #2
Link To: PrisonPlanet.com
Documentation - New World Next Week 2009/11/29
Time Reference: 08:00
Description: Real News #3
Link To: YouTube
Documentation - RCMP watchdog won't be reappointed
Time Reference: 09:31
Description: Real News #4
Link To: CBC
Documentation - Respected scientist says aliens are among us
Time Reference: 10:21
Description: Real News #5
Link To: The Star
Documentation - New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as first year of global governance
Time Reference: 12:18
Description: The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.
Link To: OldThinkerNews.com
Documentation - UK and France propose climate fund for poor
Time Reference: 13:35
Description: What? You don't think it's actually going to end up going to the poor?
Link To: BBC News
Documentation - Global Warning: Leaked “Climate Fraud” emails under probe
Time Reference: 15:08
Description: A fair (mostly) piece on the Climategate scandal from Russia Today.
Link To: RussiaToday.com
Documentation - CLIMATE BOMBSHELL: Hacker leaks thousands of emails showing conspiracy to "hide" the real data on manmade climate change
Time Reference: 19:45
Description: My first article on the subject as the story was breaking.
Link To: The Corbett Report
Documentation - The warming conspiracy’s most damning emails
Time Reference: 22:55
Description: Highlights some of the more interesting parts of the leaked CRU correspondence.
Link To: Herald Sun
Documentation - climategate: hacked emails expose climate control schemes
Time Reference: 23:06
Description: Data dump on the Climategate affair.
Link To: MediaMonarchy
Documentation - ClimateGate for Dummies
Time Reference: 23:34
Description: Master article with links to dozens of other articles and videos on the subject.
Link To: Infowars.com
Documentation - CRU Emails may be open to interpretation, but commented code by the programmer tells the real story
Time Reference: 24:13
Description: The code spills the beans.
Link To: WattsUpWithThat
Documentation - Climategate: The Backstory
Time Reference: 26:13
Description: Prescient video on the CRU released by The Corbett Report just weeks before the Climategate story broke.
Link To: YouTube
Documentation - Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails
Time Reference: 27:49
Description: Interview with historical climatologist about the climategate scandal.
Link To: YouTube
Documentation - Ed Begley, Jr. Loses Control Over ClimateGate
Time Reference: 35:37
Description: Begley blows a gasket and becomes a broken record: peer-review, peer-review, peer-review.
Link To: YouTube
Documentation - Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science
Time Reference: 39:22
Description: That should read failed to report.
Link To: James Delingpole
Documentation - BBC Climate Correspondent Was Forwarded CRU Emails Five Weeks Before They Were Made Public
Time Reference: 43:41
Description: A BBC Weather presenter who was discussed by scientists in the “climategate” emails says he was forwarded the material more than five weeks before it was made public on the internet.
Link To: Infowars.com
Documentation - NY Times reporter whitewashes Climategate story he is part of
Time Reference: 45:12
Description: What will the ombudsman say?
Link To: GreenHellBlog
Documentation - Pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go away
Time Reference: 47:33
Description: I actually agree with Mobiot on that headline's injunction.
Link To: Guardian
Documentation - Climategate update: Report filed with UK Information Commissioner
Time Reference: 57:19
Description: Lord Monckton of Brenchley joins The Corbett Report once again to discuss the report that he has filed jointly with Professor Fred Singer against the scientists connected to the ongoing climategate scandal. We discuss the basis of the report, what is
Link To: YouTube
NEW:Leave us a voicemail message at (512)553-0297.
James Corbett,
Michael Coffman,
Michael Shaw
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I Know It's Only Rock & Roll... Right?
I Know It's Only Rock & Roll... Right? (John Todd reflections)
by Jeff Dubel on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at 8:35am
Demons Behind The Music Industry (Ex Illuminati explains)spiritroar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otti-82jEAc&playnext=1&list=PL73ED35D5EA3806A2&index=3
John Todd a Former Illuminatist: (Testimony of Witchcraft) 1david1057 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nf8WPQT4WE&feature=related
John Todd a Former Illuminatist: (Testimony of Witchcraft) 2david1057 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrZaiPXtEqU&feature=related
John Todd a Former Illuminatist: (Testimony of Witchcraft) 3david1057 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDK1Bnbd1eI&feature=related
John Todd a Former Illuminatist: (Testimony of Witchcraft) 4david1057 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SP-Qc2FwaA&feature=related
What Really Happened To John Todd?fhetty http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMYrSPuEYTk&feature=related
John Todd: (The Witchcraft of Rock & Roll) Short Ver.david1057 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_p14nClVTA&feature=related%EF%BB%BF
John Todd a former Illuminatist: (Explaining The Illuminati)david1057 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DerUFYMExS8
Dr. John Coleman - Tavistock, part 1/2
RaisingKundalini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwnJU7haxVA Dr. John Coleman - Tavistock, part 2/2
RaisingKundalini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIUTeEWGqWA&feature=related THE BEATLES CREATED BY THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE !!! demonic HYPNOSIS CONTROL THROUGH MUSIC !!!
johnrigs54321 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDELeIgYpQc&feature=related Tavistock Brainwash, The Fed & Health Care Reform
RaisingKundalini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHscswKZ0fw&feature=related
Ron Paul Dynasty or Dead End?
Ron Paul Freemason Rosecrucian ILLUMINATI connection EXPOSED.flv
BeYeWiseAsSerpents http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtYzKYG4fqk
BeYeWiseAsSerpents | November 08, 2010 | 1 likes, 0 dislikes
Ron Paul freemason and his ties to the "Rosey Cross" better known as ROSECRUCIAN.
The November/December 1929 article, entitled Fraternitys Ritual of Ancient Origin
(official site link):
Ron Paul's presidential Bid:
-Official fraternity publication site (Cross and crescent) article:
Official site link to the whole pdf:
See Also
Ayn Rand
Atlas Shrugged
John ("Jack") E. Mason - Master Craftsman:
-Official site article:
Detailed study of luciferianism and masonry:
Ron Paul:
I highly recommend this site
Rosicrucian Alchemy is a universal science concerned with such mythical ideas as transmutation of elements like lead into gold and humans into gods, perpetual motion, free energy, the Philosopher's Stone, Elixir of Life, Holy Grail, and Golden Fleece to name a few.
"Order of Rose and Cross"
Fraternity originally called
"Order of the Crescent"
ca 1450 which claims descent from the "Knights Templar" Godfrey of Bouillon ca 1100, the
"Dragon Lords of Anu"
(still current eg Order of Garter), the 12th Egyptian (Hyksos) Dynasty
"House of Sobek"
This organization goes WAY back.. Connect the dots people because you are following a MASTER DECIEVER.
Thanks to Queenyinthehouse
* Ron
* Paul
* Freemason
* Rosecrucian
* connection
Rand Paul Was The Featured Speaker At Theocratic Constitution Party 2009 Rally
Bruce Wilson printable version print page Bookmark and Share
Thu May 20, 2010 at 05:50:36 PM EST
Correct from above yoube links:
* Home
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Ron Paul’s Presidential Bid
by Chris Barrick • November 2007 • 37 Comments • http://www.crossandcrescent.com/2007/11/ron-pauls-presidential-bid/
Ron Paul
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John ("Jack") E. Mason - Master Craftsman:
-Official site article:
Detailed study of luciferianism and masonry http://www.cuttingedge.org/free11.html
Ron Paul:
LAMBDA CHI ALPHA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_Chi_Alpha
I highly recommend this site
Rosicrucian Alchemy is a universal science concerned with such mythical ideas as transmutation of elements like lead into gold and humans into gods, perpetual motion, free energy, the Philosopher's Stone, Elixir of Life, Holy Grail, and Golden Fleece to name a few.
Ron Paul Freemason Rosecrucian ILLUMINATI connection EXPOSED.flv BeYeWiseAsSerpents
Rand Paul Was The Featured Speaker At Theocratic Constitution Party 2009 RallyBruce Wilson printable version print page Bookmark and ShareThu May 20, 2010 at 05:50:36 PM EST http://www.talk2action.org/story/2010/5/20/175036/669
Correct from above yoube links:http://pdf.crossandcrescent.com/2006/06/history/1929pgg150dpi.pdf
* Home* Download* Contribute* Contact* About* FAQ« Previous Page • Next Page »Ron Paul’s Presidential Bidby Chris Barrick • November 2007 • 37 Comments • http://www.crossandcrescent.com/2007/11/ron-pauls-presidential-bid/
Ron PaulFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_PaulJohn
("Jack") E. Mason - Master Craftsman:-Official site article:
http://pdf.crossandcrescent.com/2006/06/cc06june_screen.pdfDetailed study of luciferianism and masonry http://www.cuttingedge.org/free11.html
Ron Paul:LAMBDA CHI ALPHA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_Chi_AlphaI highly recommend this site
Rosicrucian Alchemy is a universal science concerned with such mythical ideas as transmutation of elements like lead into gold and humans into gods, perpetual motion, free energy, the Philosopher's Stone, Elixir of Life, Holy Grail, and Golden Fleece to name a few. http://projectdarkbook.com/illuminati/rosicrucianism/#comment-5860
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtYzKYG4fqkSee More
37 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Jeff Dubel e Wilson printable version print page Bookmark and ShareRon Paul Freemason Rosecrucian ILLUMINATI connection EXPOSED.flvBeYeWiseAsSerpents http://www.facebook.com/jeff.dubel/posts/130202863704851
Ron Paul Freemason Rosecrucian ILLUMINATI connection EXPOSED.flv BeYeWiseAsSerpents http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtYzKYG4fqk
Monday, November 22, 2010
They Say We Want A Revolution... Perspectives Reported by Jeffrey Grupp
The FAKE revolution has started, 9/11 truth runs it, pre-planned by the Illuminati 1/2
AntimatterRadio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmCBJxY0TGQ
The FAKE revolution has started, 9/11 truth runs it, pre-planned by the Illuminati 2/2
AntimatterRadio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDMbfvHiSYs
The New World Order Is Taking Over the Patriot and Truth Movements
The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Infowars.com Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store
Jeffrey Grupp Infowars April 13, 2009 http://www.infowars.com/the-new-world-order-is-taking-over-the-patriot-and-truth-movements/
Geraldo Rivera 911 Truth and WTC Building 7 Controlled Demolition - BuildingWhat.org
wahahn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y913Xp4OcR8
Geraldo Rivera on Fox endorsing WTC 7 is biggest evidence yet that Illuminati wants 911 exposed 1/2 AntimatterRadio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndf8LFxEa2Q
Geraldo Rivera on Fox endorsing WTC 7 is biggest evidence yet that Illuminati wants 911 exposed 2/2 AntimatterRadio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu9lp22jG1M&feature=related
The conspiracy movement was created by the Illuminati AntimatterRadio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bllrX4mOP7o&feature=related
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Arrivals (www.WakeUp.com)
The Arrivals pt.31 (The Great Deception)
noreagaaa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2UDOMXjCtM
The Arrivals pt.13 (Lady in Red)
noreagaaa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXQ0WRznnXg&feature=fvw
The Arrivals
Post subject: The Arrivals
PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:00 am
Chris White Files: 2012 Debunked and Much Much More!
2012 debunked (1 of 2)
Knowwheretorun1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUnINDZolDY&feature=related
2012 debunked (2 of 2)
Knowwheretorun1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oIXRYyvB8M&feature=related
2012 Enlightenment Will Lead to Genocide Chris White 1/3
balancex3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_mXzTaMB3g
2012 Enlightenment Will Lead to Genocide Chris White 2/3
balancex3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SEPb607IZg
2012 Enlightenment Will Lead to Genocide Chris White 3/3
balancex3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIXPoIVmWUg
2012 Solar Flares? Chris White Explains
KeithTruth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6shilKGA8hs&feature=related
The New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement http://blip.tv/file/3105198/
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy Part 1
eazail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4_BAv43Dew
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy part 2
eazail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF9LBT-ZMA0&feature=related
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Getting to Know the Bushes
Monday, November 15th, 2010 | Posted by RJ
NWO – Hitler’s Angels Had Children – Bush 41
Google search: Talon reporter george w bush
Jeff Gannon
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Talon News
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
Talon News is an American website which became newsworthy in January 2005 because alleged irregularities in the background of its chief correspondent, known as Jeff Gannon, came to light. Gannon, born James Dale Guckert, resigned from Talon on February 8, 2005. The Talon News website was shut down February 23, 2005, but was later revived as a parody.
Did George Bush Have Sex With That Man, James Guckhert?
February 15, 2005
* Gay Republicans
* |
* George W. Bush
* |
* Jeff Gannon
November 10, 2007
Hillary's Planted Questions and George W. Bush, Master of Political Theater http://www.perrspectives.com/blog/archives/000817.htm
George W Bush Is Gay!
FINAL UPDATE 1/21/09: Now that our long national nightmare of George W. Bush is finally over, I am retiring this site. Gay Georgie is completely irrelevant now, and I think America needs to forget this asshole as soon as possible. Though GeorgeWBushIsGay.com will no longer be updated, it will remain up as a tribute to America's first gay "leader". Before I go though, here is one last article for the website ... one that validates all the hard work I've done over the years:
From The Onion, 12/18/2008:
America's First Gay President Concludes Historic Second Term
Talon News "reporter" lifts from GOP documents verbatim for "news reports"
January 27, 2005 7:28 pm ET http://mediamatters.org/research/200501280001
Earthhope Forums / Official Earthhope Content / Research Projects / Franklin Case Update: White House reporter Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch
Franklin Case Update: White House reporter Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch
Profile: James Guckert
a.k.a. Jeff Gannon
James Guckert was a participant or observer in the following events:
Summer 2003 - November 2004: Gay Prostitute and Fake Journalist Helps GOP Win Key Senate Contest
NWO – Hitler’s Angels Had Children – Bush 41
Google search: Talon reporter george w bush
Jeff Gannon
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Talon News
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
Talon News is an American website which became newsworthy in January 2005 because alleged irregularities in the background of its chief correspondent, known as Jeff Gannon, came to light. Gannon, born James Dale Guckert, resigned from Talon on February 8, 2005. The Talon News website was shut down February 23, 2005, but was later revived as a parody.
Did George Bush Have Sex With That Man, James Guckhert?
February 15, 2005
* Gay Republicans
* |
* George W. Bush
* |
* Jeff Gannon
November 10, 2007
Hillary's Planted Questions and George W. Bush, Master of Political Theater http://www.perrspectives.com/blog/archives/000817.htm
George W Bush Is Gay!
FINAL UPDATE 1/21/09: Now that our long national nightmare of George W. Bush is finally over, I am retiring this site. Gay Georgie is completely irrelevant now, and I think America needs to forget this asshole as soon as possible. Though GeorgeWBushIsGay.com will no longer be updated, it will remain up as a tribute to America's first gay "leader". Before I go though, here is one last article for the website ... one that validates all the hard work I've done over the years:
From The Onion, 12/18/2008:
America's First Gay President Concludes Historic Second Term
Talon News "reporter" lifts from GOP documents verbatim for "news reports"
January 27, 2005 7:28 pm ET http://mediamatters.org/research/200501280001
Earthhope Forums / Official Earthhope Content / Research Projects / Franklin Case Update: White House reporter Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch
Franklin Case Update: White House reporter Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch
Profile: James Guckert
a.k.a. Jeff Gannon
James Guckert was a participant or observer in the following events:
Summer 2003 - November 2004: Gay Prostitute and Fake Journalist Helps GOP Win Key Senate Contest
Cathy O'Brien and MK Ultra
Mind Control, MKUltra victim, Cathy O'Brien in Most Dangerous Game
RebelNews http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqSYhWlxcTQ&feature=related&has_verified=1
Mk Ultra Victim Cathy O Brien P1 Lecture
pincerpal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWO_jrC9qis&feature=related
Mk Ultra Victim Cathy O Brien P2 Lecture
pincerpal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXrMwLsctGw&feature=related
Mk Ultra Victim Cathy O Brien P3 Lecture
pincerpal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRooUvUYa84&feature=related
Mk Ultra Victim Cathy O Brien P4 Lecture
pincerpal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxKrFawZ-p8&feature=related
Mk Ultra Victim Cathy O Brien P5 Lecture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLChvtVQDIY&feature=related
Mk Ultra Victim Cathy O Brien P6 Lecture
pincerpal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhpjMqO6pck&feature=related
Mk Ultra Victim Cathy O Brien P7 Lecture
pincerpal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdiWSOBiyIM&feature=related
Mk Ultra Victim Cathy O Brien P8 Lecture
pincerpal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yePYyba_Uw&feature=related
Mk Ultra Victim Cathy O Brien P9 Lecture
pincerpal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2KL1Qpyyvs&feature=related
Mk Ultra Victim Cathy O Brien P10 Lecture
pincerpal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHMOOpJKKdk&feature=related
Mk Ultra Victim P1 Cathy O Brien Q & A
pincerpal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PD1q8jluekY&feature=related
Mk Ultra Victim P2 Cathy O Brien Q & A
pincerpal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TIG8NgogaI&feature=related
Mk Ultra Victim P3 Cathy O Brien Q & A
pincerpal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S82TcX0Npw&feature=related
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Disinformation From Within The Truth Movement
Disinformation agents of the New Worldly Order (David Icke, Alex Jones, Zeitgeist)
Triplexity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9a8J_uPLHXA
NWO DISINFO Agents Exposed (revised version-org airdate: October 21, 2008)
LogicalZa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RJyQJp06r0&feature=related
Ex MI5 agent exposes David Icke's big lie.
Coffinman8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGMGycNL-Mw&feature=related
William Cooper exposes David Icke
dieforwhatubelive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JhszZIVIg8&feature=related
Duplicate video of above:
"David Icke Is A Piece Of Scum". William Cooper exposes David Icke
MandoMohan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I8ZZ0g6mL0&feature=related
David Icke is a Disinfo/Counterintelligence
gwap360 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt93PKAHKSk&feature=related
Is David Icke a Freemason?
foreverand2day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=monYPbbXa3M&feature=related
Alex Jones' take on
David Icke: Disinformation Agent
VictoryAllah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_4TZ7EM11g&feature=related
Is David Icke a disinfo agent?
StormCloudsGathering http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhgJQ3bEcRk&feature=related
David Icke - Freemason ?
gorilla199 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH0ojeYviVs&feature=related
Alex Jones Crashes Austin Pro Gun Rally, Then Lies About It On His ShowSlackMasterSeven http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TACalwg360c&feature=related
Alex Jones Exposed
KevZen2000 220 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkx2ArDs0dU&feature=related
Alex Jones ExposedKevZen2000 220 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkx2ArDs0dU&feature=related
Why Alex Jones lies about William (Bill) CooperESTONIAisTHEbest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-AKxKUP8C4
jordan maxwell confirmed masonogskeetdizzle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWw3cuoKpQk
Debunking Jordan Maxwell Part 1 of 7 (revised edition)nowheretorun1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwugLx2rSJY&feature=&p=2D1942C0FE40E201&index=0&playnext=1 Debunking Jordan Maxwell Part 2 of 7nowheretorun1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJPvr2Ty1PE&list=PL2D1942C0FE40E201&index=2&playnext=2Debunking Jordan Maxwell Part 3 of 7nowheretorun1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=081YCbR1gWs&list=PL2D1942C0FE40E201&index=3&playnext=3 Debunking Jordan Maxwell Part 4 of 7nowheretorun1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWNGnLV_ZOo&feature=related Debunking Jordan Maxwell Part 5 of 7nowheretorun1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibqYWG81Xhs&feature=related Debunking Jordan Maxwell Part 6 of 7nowheretorun1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZa_zQkUNZI&feature=related Debunking Jordan Maxwell Part 7 of 7nowheretorun1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUf9fxWZdDg&feature=related
jMichael Tsarion Is Wrong - 2009 - A debunkumentary (1 of 5)nowheretorun1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXbmwpr5NYo
Michael Tsarion Is Wrong - 2009 - A debunkumentary (3 of 5)nowheretorun1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SZ2RP1D5G4
Chris White Michael Tsarion is Wrong DebunkumentaryRevelationsVN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOtTT8zKGlg&playnext=1&list=PL4754E1883B5DE2C6&index=27
Sitchin is Wrong 1 of 2 (Repost)knoxrox167 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1JJ9KtWOCs&playnext=1&list=PL95BEAF84BD604D77&index=9
Sitchin Is Wrong part 2 of 2nowheretorun1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmIrNPuikvc&feature=relatedhttp://sitchiniswrong.comhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmIrNPuikvc&feature=related
Posted connected information and links at this website:nowheretorun1984 | April 22, 2008
World Leaders Handshakes - New World OrderNWOThesis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgY7eaYrc7A&feature=related
jordan maxwell confirmed mason
ogskeetdizzle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWw3cuoKpQk
Zechariah Sitchin has been proven wrong by many scholars in dealing with his translations and interpretation of ancient texts one such scholar is Dr. Michael S. Heiser phd. http://sitchiniswrong.com
but this video takes a look at some of the other reasons that Sitchin is wrong.
namely his archaeological evidence of the huy murals and rekmire switcharoo, as well as his famous rocket artifact.
please review some of Dr. Heisers papers on Sitchin to see the specifics that show Sitchin must have known what he was doing in making these errors.
* Sitchin
* 2012
* tsarion
* icke
* reptillian
* annunaki
* niburu
* tiamat
* jordan
* maxwell
* nwo
* illuminati
* michael
* documentary
* middle east
* arabic
* religion
Bilderberg, Illuminati, Mormon, & Mason secret handshakes
KennedyFilmsKWWFP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI428hhVG4Y&feature=related
World Leaders Handshakes - New World Order
NWOThesis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgY7eaYrc7A&feature=related
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Should We Be Moved By The Zeitgeist Movement?
This post includes both of most recent documentaries about Zeitgeist (Aquarius Age Of Evil and The Zeitgeist Challenge) and clarifies historical mis-truths that have now been perpetuated by the Zeitgeist Movement. The documentaries are Aquarius The Age of Evil by Kevin Thompson (which includes interviews with Chris White, PhD Scott Johnson, excerpts from William "Bill" Cooper, and includes works of H. P. Blavotsky, Annie Bessant, Alice Bailey, Constance Cumbey, Achrarya S,, Manly Palmer Hall, Peter Joseph, John David Rockefeller, Zeitgeist films and Movement: and it's connection with Theosophy and Freemasonry). As well as the other documentary movies Aquarius Age Of Evil and The Zeitgeist Challenge. Thanks for your great work and addition to helping the world learn and examine our surroundings.
AQUARIUS: The Age Of Evil (Full Documentary)AQUARIUS: The Age Of Evil (Full Documentary) by Keith Thompson. Thompson offers this documentary FREE and on 2 High Quality DVDs at: http://www.hourofthetime.shoppingcartsplus.com/catalog/item/2569223/7930866.htm |
This 2-disc, over 2 hour long DVD set examines the history of the new world order. It demonstrates that the new world order is New Age oriented. The Zeitgeist films and movement are exposed and shown to have ties to the New Age, Theosophy, Freemasonry and the new world order movements. It covers Benjamin Creme, Maitreya, 2012 and the utopian New Age coadjutors who have infiltrated the patriot-movement. It also shows how the Bible predicts the coming new world order dystopia. Interviews with Constance Cumbey, Dr. Scott Johnson, and Chris White. Researched by Keith Thompson and Eric Brame. http://blip.tv/file/4337997/
Aquarius - The Age of Evil ( 1 of 14) http://www.blip.tv/file/3647226/'Aquarius: The Age of Evil' examines the history of the new world order. It demonstrates that the new world order is New Age oriented. The Zeitgeist films and movement are exposed and shown to have ties to the New Age, Theosophy, Freemasonry and the new world order movements. It covers Benjamin Creme, Maitreya, 2012 and the utopian New Age coadjutors who have infiltrated the patriot-movement. It also shows how the Bible predicts the coming new world order dystopia. Interviews with Constance Cumbey, Dr. Scott Johnson, and Chris White. Researched by Keith Thompson and Eric Brame. To purchase film go here: http://www.hourofthetime.shoppingcartsplus.com/catalog/item/2569223/7930866.htm Hour of The Time HOTT Shop: http://www.hourofthetime.com/wordpresstest/?page_id=142SystmHck (Blip.tv index pg. 2) Displaying all shows matching the search "systmHck" http://www.blip.tv/?search=systmHck;s=search;page=2Aquarius - The Age of Evil ( 1 of 14) http://www.blip.tv/file/3647226/Aquarius - The Age of Evil ( 2 of 14) http://www.blip.tv/file/3647248/ Aquarius - The Age of Evil (3 of 14) http://blip.tv/file/3647278 Aquarius - The Age of Evil (4 of 14) http://blip.tv/file/3647330 Aquarius - The Age of Evil (5 of 14) http://blip.tv/file/3647347 Aquarius - The Age of Evil (6 of 14) http://blip.tv/file/3647386 Aquarius - The Age of Evil (7 of 14) http://blip.tv/file/3647422 Aquarius - The Age of Evil (8 of 14) http://blip.tv/file/3647446 Aquarius - The Age of Evil (9 of 14) http://blip.tv/file/3647481 Aquarius - The Age of Evil (10 of 14) http://blip.tv/file/3647508 Aquarius - The Age of Evil (11 of 14) http://blip.tv/file/3647556 Aquarius - The Age of Evil (12 of 14) http://blip.tv/file/3647591 Aquarius - The Age of Evil (13 of 14) http://blip.tv/file/3647623 Aquarius - The Age of Evil (14 of 14) http://blip.tv/file/3647643
The Zeitgeist Challenge (SystmHck)< http://blip.tv/file/3109415 >
http://zeitgeistchallenge.com/Take the Zeitgeist Challenge $1000Posted by admin in on Oct 1st, 2010 | 2 comments
All you have to do is take the various claims (that I will list below) concerning the similarities of Christ and other ancient gods that Zeitgeist makes, match them up to the text where it is claimed, and provide the specific quote and/or a link to the source, for example:
- List here the claim made by Zeitgeist:- Here you might put the title of the text or glyph that is mentioned (for example: “Book of the Dead”, and the chapter and verse if applicable.- Here quote what is literally said in the source or why it is implied.- Here you would provide a link to it on the web, if applicable.
Repeat this process for ALL the claims made by Zeitgeist and you WIN!!
Here is a link to a good website where you can find copies of many of the ancient texts where some of these claims would be found. Sacred Texts You could, of course, also use texts any other place you find them, as long as they can be verified.
There is only one reasonable ground rule:Obviously, you would want to make sure the texts you quote from are valid, in that they are reasonably demonstrable to have been written before the time of Christ, only because the attempt by Zeitgeist is to show that the biblical story was “borrowed” from earlier myths.
The makers of Zeitgeist offer a list of sources for the claims they make, but they fail to list original texts, besides the Bible, in defense of them. So, it probably wont help you much, but it is available here. As you can see, Zeitgeist chooses, instead, to quote modern writers, of which the primary one seems to be Gerald Massey and Acharya S.The following are the claims of Zeitgeist word for word:
HORUS:Horus was born on December 25thBorn of the virginHis birth was accompanied by a star in the eastThree kings followed to locate and adorn the new-born saviorAt the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacherAnd at the age of 30, he was baptized and thus began his ministryHorus had 12 disciplesPerformed miracles such as healing the sick and walking on waterHorus was known by many gestural names such as The Truth, The Light, God’s Anointed Son, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, After being betrayed by Typhon,Horus was crucified,Buried for 3 days andThus, resurrected.
ATTIS:Born of the virgin on December 25th,Crucified,Placed in a tomb and after 3 days, was resurrected.
KRISHNA:Born of the virgin with a star in the east signaling his coming. Performed miracles with his disciples. And upon his death was resurrected.
DIONYSUS born of a virgin on December 25thwas a traveling teacher who performed miracles such as turning water into wine he was referred to as the “King of Kings,” “God’s Only Begotten Son,” “The Alpha and Omega,” and many others and upon his death, he was resurrected.
MITHRA:Born of a virgin on December 25thHe had 12 disciples. And performed miracles and upon his death was buried for 3 days. And thus resurrected. He was also referred to as “The Truth,” “The Light”Interestingly, the sacred day of worship of Mithra was Sunday.
Jesus Christ:Born on December 25thThree kings followed to locate and adorn the new-born savior
Let me be very clear, I'm not looking for what people SAY it says in the ancient literature. There is an abundance of that available. I want to know where these people are getting their information because we can find no historical record of these claims in ancient history.
You can post your responses in the comment section of this page, in the unlikely event of a winner you will be paid via Paypal. http://zeitgeistchallenge.com/Zeitgeist Challenge Exposes Acharya S and Zeitgeist (1 of 3) ZeitgeistDebunked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWW9xJNgkcUZeitgeist Challenge Exposes Acharya S and Zeitgeist (2 of 3) ZeitgeistDebunked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j40vg8YZ1QM&feature=relatedZeitgeist Challenge Exposes Acharya S and Zeitgeist (3 of 3) ZeitgeistDebunked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVvlaPkViPA&feature=related
______Continuation of Zeitgeist Chalenge Exposes Acharya S and Zeitgeist (1 of 3) on youtube ZeitgeistDebunked | June 14, 2008
Zeitgeist Challenge Exposes Acharya S and Zeitgeist
Created by: ZeitgeistChallenge http://www.zeitgeistchallenge.com http://www.youtube.com/nowheretorun1984
Zeitgeist and Acharya S have been exposed once more by their fallacious claims. This three part video is a response to Acharya's video titled, "Zeitgeist, Part 1" Debunked/Refuted? Acharya Responds." Zeitgeist part one is rejected by modern scholarship and categorized as illogical propaganda. The question now is, "how much longer will it take to see Zeitgeist believers and Jesus mythicists finally give up?"
(Take the Zeitgeist Challenge) http://www.zeitgeistchallenge.com
(The Christ Conspiracy Refuted) http://www.answeringinfidels.com/answ... http://www.answeringinfidels.com/answering-skeptics/answering-acharya-s/(Zeitgeist Debunked) http://www.thedevineevidence.com/jesu... http://www.thedevineevidence.com/jesus_similarities.html http://www.tektonics.org/copycat/copy... http://www.tektonics.org/copycathub.html http://video.google.ca/videoplay?doci... http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=7572663630528394775&q=zeitgeist+refuted&ei=KahSSJL0GYu05ALs6qG3DA&hl=en#http://www.pantheon.org/articles/h/ho... http://www.pantheon.org/articles/h/horus.html http://www.zeitgeistresponse.info/ http://benwitherington.blogspot.com/2... http://benwitherington.blogspot.com/2007/12/zeitgeist-of-zeitgeist-movie.html http://www.frontline-apologetics.com/... http://www.frontline-apologetics.com/Luxor_Inscription.html http://www.preventingtruthdecay.org/z... http://www.preventingtruthdecay.org/zeitgeistpartone.s htmlhttp://www.alwaysbeready.com/index.ph... http://www.alwaysbeready.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=124&Itemid=107 http://www.allaboutreligion.org/is-je... http://www.allaboutreligion.org/is-jesus-god-aar-afb2.htm
* Zeitgeist * Challenge * Acharya * Debunked * Refuted * Horus * Mithras * Attis * Myth * Rebuttal * Jesus * ChristBlack Helicopter Radio - "Aquarius The Age Of Evil". Topics: Theosophy, Zeitgeist, 2012, Maitreya
Host: Antimatter Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/antimatterzone/2010/11/03/black-helicopter-radio--aquarius-the-age-of-evil-topics-theosophy-zeitgeist-2012-maitreya
Black Helicopter Radio with Guest Chris White David Icke preparedness spiritual warfare satanism 11/ www.blogtalkradio.com http://www.blogtalkradio.com/antimatterzone/2010/11/05/black-helicopter-radio-with-guest-chris-white-david-icke-preparedness-spiritual-warfare-satanism
Ed Walker of Black Helicopter Radio talks with Chris White Mr. Whites 2nd appearance on the show about his latest projects David Icke the truth movement preparedness spiritual warfare the bible and more Nov 05 201020 hours ago · Comment · LikeUnlike · View Feedback (5)Hide Feedback (5) · Share
* * Steve Shamy and 2 others like this. * o Robert Donald Paiser Damn fine show, Ed. Good questions and everything. My respect for Christianity is growing because of shows like this. It's almost hard for this ex atheist to admit that, but because of shows like this... I must. 17 hours ago · LikeUnlike o Ed Walker Oh yeah, Chris Whitei does a great job of debunking all the cliche things people use to bash Yeshua. Also, the works of the Theosophsts are so incredible. Especially "The Externalization Of the Hierarchy". I mean, that book was channeled to... her, and what does it explain? It explains how the New World Order is going to be put into place and the entity really calls it "the New World Order" and keep in mind this was in the early part of the 1900's well before the globalist George Bush types started using the term New World Order! Amazing!See More 4 hours ago · Like
Dubel Comment: I believe we have to figure this out for ourselves. If you are not brainwashing into thinking this world is okay and does not exist where our leaders and high placed persons of various influence do not use forethought in their action implementation, then I bet you have not read this far down this article or you are looking with high scrutiny to discredit any potential affront to the Zeitgeist Movement or it's first two major documentaries. Review the following films after you have investigated my Note/Post and determined through outside investigation for yourself should you be moved by the Zeitgeist Movement? Good luck, the best answers are never easy.
The Zeitgeist Movement Videos Covered in Age Of Aquarius Documentary and The Zeitgeist Challenge
Zeitgeist http://blip.tv/file/4051251/Zeitgeist: Addendum (Zeitgeist II) http://blip.tv/file/1354269/
Zeitgeist movies online:
Zeitgeist Official Website:
Zeitgeist Q & A:
Zeitgeist Companion Source Guide:
The Zeitgeist Movement (Toolkit):
Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper
ust happened to stumble across a link to full text.[link to www.scribd.com]http://www.scribd.com/doc/6666/Cooper-William-Behold-a-Pale-HorseYou can download it as PDF, Word, or Text.http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message441492/pg1Hour of the TimeFighting for Freedom since 1993 * Homehttp://www.hourofthetime.com/Hour of the TimeFighting for Freedom since 1993http://www.hourofthetime.com/wordpresstest/?page_id=142
[Behold a Pale Horse 1/18] 9:56Behold a Pale Horse 1/18TonyStark... - 92,322 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jfnQDgNX2E[Behold a Pale Horse 2/18] 9:55Behold a Pale Horse 2/18TonyStark... - 36,729 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jpae8A8gFQ[Behold a Pale Horse 3/18] 9:59Behold a Pale Horse 3/18TonyStark... - 27,677 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5RHpRvbKwg[Behold a Pale Horse 4/18] 10:00Behold a Pale Horse 4/18TonyStark... - 26,216 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHXxRYXas7Q[Behold a Pale Horse 5/18] 9:57Behold a Pale Horse 5/18TonyStark... - 21,755 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1vmcZlVy6M[Behold a Pale Horse 6/18] 10:00Behold a Pale Horse 6/18TonyStark... - 19,472 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ9biB-e-jg[Behold a Pale Horse 7/18] 9:56Behold a Pale Horse 7/18TonyStark... - 18,255 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-obl7RRFVw[Behold a Pale Horse 8/18] 9:58Behold a Pale Horse 8/18TonyStark... - 16,189 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUkGqWlxMBc[Behold a Pale Horse 9/18] 9:59Behold a Pale Horse 9/18TonyStark... - 15,867 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3Tmj-cCjyU[Behold a Pale Horse 10/18] 9:56Behold a Pale Horse 10/18TonyStark... - 14,613 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LxWqAQXj3w[Behold a Pale Horse 11/18] 9:58Behold a Pale Horse 11/18TonyStark... - 13,853 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj3mfFuDrwI[Behold a Pale Horse 12/18] 9:55Behold a Pale Horse 12/18TonyStark... - 13,007 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk_5I30YF4U[Behold a Pale Horse 13/18] 9:54Behold a Pale Horse 13/18TonyStark... - 12,884 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhibaj6EAu4[Behold a Pale Horse 14/18] 8:30Behold a Pale Horse 14/18TonyStark... - 12,461 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CWf-7E2sGc[Behold a Pale Horse 15/18] 9:55Behold a Pale Horse 15/18TonyStark... - 11,962 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsANnUHlsp4[Behold a Pale Horse 16/18] 9:59Behold a Pale Horse 16/18TonyStark... - 11,931 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjCdIyUKMis[Behold a Pale Horse 17/18] 9:57Behold a Pale Horse 17/18TonyStark... - 11,872 viewshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BvoUjT21xk[Behold a Pale Horse 18/18] 6:42Behold a Pale Horse 18/18TonyStark... - 27,028 views http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v39FdiijrsM
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