Sunday, November 7, 2010
Should We Be Moved By The Zeitgeist Movement?
This post includes both of most recent documentaries about Zeitgeist (Aquarius Age Of Evil and The Zeitgeist Challenge) and clarifies historical mis-truths that have now been perpetuated by the Zeitgeist Movement. The documentaries are Aquarius The Age of Evil by Kevin Thompson (which includes interviews with Chris White, PhD Scott Johnson, excerpts from William "Bill" Cooper, and includes works of H. P. Blavotsky, Annie Bessant, Alice Bailey, Constance Cumbey, Achrarya S,, Manly Palmer Hall, Peter Joseph, John David Rockefeller, Zeitgeist films and Movement: and it's connection with Theosophy and Freemasonry). As well as the other documentary movies Aquarius Age Of Evil and The Zeitgeist Challenge. Thanks for your great work and addition to helping the world learn and examine our surroundings.
AQUARIUS: The Age Of Evil (Full Documentary)AQUARIUS: The Age Of Evil (Full Documentary) by Keith Thompson. Thompson offers this documentary FREE and on 2 High Quality DVDs at: |
This 2-disc, over 2 hour long DVD set examines the history of the new world order. It demonstrates that the new world order is New Age oriented. The Zeitgeist films and movement are exposed and shown to have ties to the New Age, Theosophy, Freemasonry and the new world order movements. It covers Benjamin Creme, Maitreya, 2012 and the utopian New Age coadjutors who have infiltrated the patriot-movement. It also shows how the Bible predicts the coming new world order dystopia. Interviews with Constance Cumbey, Dr. Scott Johnson, and Chris White. Researched by Keith Thompson and Eric Brame.
Aquarius - The Age of Evil ( 1 of 14)'Aquarius: The Age of Evil' examines the history of the new world order. It demonstrates that the new world order is New Age oriented. The Zeitgeist films and movement are exposed and shown to have ties to the New Age, Theosophy, Freemasonry and the new world order movements. It covers Benjamin Creme, Maitreya, 2012 and the utopian New Age coadjutors who have infiltrated the patriot-movement. It also shows how the Bible predicts the coming new world order dystopia. Interviews with Constance Cumbey, Dr. Scott Johnson, and Chris White. Researched by Keith Thompson and Eric Brame. To purchase film go here: Hour of The Time HOTT Shop: ( index pg. 2) Displaying all shows matching the search "systmHck";s=search;page=2Aquarius - The Age of Evil ( 1 of 14) - The Age of Evil ( 2 of 14) Aquarius - The Age of Evil (3 of 14) Aquarius - The Age of Evil (4 of 14) Aquarius - The Age of Evil (5 of 14) Aquarius - The Age of Evil (6 of 14) Aquarius - The Age of Evil (7 of 14) Aquarius - The Age of Evil (8 of 14) Aquarius - The Age of Evil (9 of 14) Aquarius - The Age of Evil (10 of 14) Aquarius - The Age of Evil (11 of 14) Aquarius - The Age of Evil (12 of 14) Aquarius - The Age of Evil (13 of 14) Aquarius - The Age of Evil (14 of 14)
The Zeitgeist Challenge (SystmHck)< > the Zeitgeist Challenge $1000Posted by admin in on Oct 1st, 2010 | 2 comments
All you have to do is take the various claims (that I will list below) concerning the similarities of Christ and other ancient gods that Zeitgeist makes, match them up to the text where it is claimed, and provide the specific quote and/or a link to the source, for example:
- List here the claim made by Zeitgeist:- Here you might put the title of the text or glyph that is mentioned (for example: “Book of the Dead”, and the chapter and verse if applicable.- Here quote what is literally said in the source or why it is implied.- Here you would provide a link to it on the web, if applicable.
Repeat this process for ALL the claims made by Zeitgeist and you WIN!!
Here is a link to a good website where you can find copies of many of the ancient texts where some of these claims would be found. Sacred Texts You could, of course, also use texts any other place you find them, as long as they can be verified.
There is only one reasonable ground rule:Obviously, you would want to make sure the texts you quote from are valid, in that they are reasonably demonstrable to have been written before the time of Christ, only because the attempt by Zeitgeist is to show that the biblical story was “borrowed” from earlier myths.
The makers of Zeitgeist offer a list of sources for the claims they make, but they fail to list original texts, besides the Bible, in defense of them. So, it probably wont help you much, but it is available here. As you can see, Zeitgeist chooses, instead, to quote modern writers, of which the primary one seems to be Gerald Massey and Acharya S.The following are the claims of Zeitgeist word for word:
HORUS:Horus was born on December 25thBorn of the virginHis birth was accompanied by a star in the eastThree kings followed to locate and adorn the new-born saviorAt the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacherAnd at the age of 30, he was baptized and thus began his ministryHorus had 12 disciplesPerformed miracles such as healing the sick and walking on waterHorus was known by many gestural names such as The Truth, The Light, God’s Anointed Son, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, After being betrayed by Typhon,Horus was crucified,Buried for 3 days andThus, resurrected.
ATTIS:Born of the virgin on December 25th,Crucified,Placed in a tomb and after 3 days, was resurrected.
KRISHNA:Born of the virgin with a star in the east signaling his coming. Performed miracles with his disciples. And upon his death was resurrected.
DIONYSUS born of a virgin on December 25thwas a traveling teacher who performed miracles such as turning water into wine he was referred to as the “King of Kings,” “God’s Only Begotten Son,” “The Alpha and Omega,” and many others and upon his death, he was resurrected.
MITHRA:Born of a virgin on December 25thHe had 12 disciples. And performed miracles and upon his death was buried for 3 days. And thus resurrected. He was also referred to as “The Truth,” “The Light”Interestingly, the sacred day of worship of Mithra was Sunday.
Jesus Christ:Born on December 25thThree kings followed to locate and adorn the new-born savior
Let me be very clear, I'm not looking for what people SAY it says in the ancient literature. There is an abundance of that available. I want to know where these people are getting their information because we can find no historical record of these claims in ancient history.
You can post your responses in the comment section of this page, in the unlikely event of a winner you will be paid via Paypal. Challenge Exposes Acharya S and Zeitgeist (1 of 3) ZeitgeistDebunked Challenge Exposes Acharya S and Zeitgeist (2 of 3) ZeitgeistDebunked Challenge Exposes Acharya S and Zeitgeist (3 of 3) ZeitgeistDebunked
______Continuation of Zeitgeist Chalenge Exposes Acharya S and Zeitgeist (1 of 3) on youtube ZeitgeistDebunked | June 14, 2008
Zeitgeist Challenge Exposes Acharya S and Zeitgeist
Created by: ZeitgeistChallenge
Zeitgeist and Acharya S have been exposed once more by their fallacious claims. This three part video is a response to Acharya's video titled, "Zeitgeist, Part 1" Debunked/Refuted? Acharya Responds." Zeitgeist part one is rejected by modern scholarship and categorized as illogical propaganda. The question now is, "how much longer will it take to see Zeitgeist believers and Jesus mythicists finally give up?"
(Take the Zeitgeist Challenge)
(The Christ Conspiracy Refuted) Debunked) html
* Zeitgeist * Challenge * Acharya * Debunked * Refuted * Horus * Mithras * Attis * Myth * Rebuttal * Jesus * ChristBlack Helicopter Radio - "Aquarius The Age Of Evil". Topics: Theosophy, Zeitgeist, 2012, Maitreya
Host: Antimatter Radio
Black Helicopter Radio with Guest Chris White David Icke preparedness spiritual warfare satanism 11/
Ed Walker of Black Helicopter Radio talks with Chris White Mr. Whites 2nd appearance on the show about his latest projects David Icke the truth movement preparedness spiritual warfare the bible and more Nov 05 201020 hours ago · Comment · LikeUnlike · View Feedback (5)Hide Feedback (5) · Share
* * Steve Shamy and 2 others like this. * o Robert Donald Paiser Damn fine show, Ed. Good questions and everything. My respect for Christianity is growing because of shows like this. It's almost hard for this ex atheist to admit that, but because of shows like this... I must. 17 hours ago · LikeUnlike o Ed Walker Oh yeah, Chris Whitei does a great job of debunking all the cliche things people use to bash Yeshua. Also, the works of the Theosophsts are so incredible. Especially "The Externalization Of the Hierarchy". I mean, that book was channeled to... her, and what does it explain? It explains how the New World Order is going to be put into place and the entity really calls it "the New World Order" and keep in mind this was in the early part of the 1900's well before the globalist George Bush types started using the term New World Order! Amazing!See More 4 hours ago · Like
Dubel Comment: I believe we have to figure this out for ourselves. If you are not brainwashing into thinking this world is okay and does not exist where our leaders and high placed persons of various influence do not use forethought in their action implementation, then I bet you have not read this far down this article or you are looking with high scrutiny to discredit any potential affront to the Zeitgeist Movement or it's first two major documentaries. Review the following films after you have investigated my Note/Post and determined through outside investigation for yourself should you be moved by the Zeitgeist Movement? Good luck, the best answers are never easy.
The Zeitgeist Movement Videos Covered in Age Of Aquarius Documentary and The Zeitgeist Challenge
Zeitgeist Addendum (Zeitgeist II)
Zeitgeist movies online:
Zeitgeist Official Website:
Zeitgeist Q & A:
Zeitgeist Companion Source Guide:,%20The%20Movie-%20Companion%20Guide%20PDF.pdf
The Zeitgeist Movement (Toolkit):
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